A4J supported individuals and organizations committed to advancing new narratives around criminal legal transformation, promoting formerly incarcerated artists, and imagining new visions of shared safety.
Grantee Stories

A4J fostered collaboration between its governing board, advisors, staff, allied donors, advocates, and grant recipients. The collective commitment, wisdom, and expertise of these groups, especially those that are system-impacted, made A4J’s impact possible.
Founding &
Major Donors
- Phil and Shelley Fox Aarons
- Anonymous
- Laura and John Arnold
- Mara Burros Sandler
- Katie and Paul Buttenwieser
- Tony and Robyn Coles
Edith Cooper and
Robert Taylor - Glenn and Amanda Fuhrman
- Alva Greenberg
- Greenleaf Trust
- Agnes Gund
Marguerite Steed Hoffman
and Tom Lentz - A.C. Hudgins
Stephanie and Tim Ingrassia
Spring Hill Arts
Gathering -
Pamela Joyner and
Alfred Giuffrida - Jo Carole Lauder
- Daniel S. Loeb
- Donald Marron
- Musa and Tom Mayer
Raymond J. McGuire
and Crystal McCrary - Madeline Nelson
- Clarence Otis Jr. and Jacqueline Bradley
Pete Peterson and
Joan Ganz Cooney -
Present Progressive Fund
at Schwab Charitable - Madeleine Rudin
- Laurie M. Tisch
- Maria H. Tuttle
- IV Fund
Jon L. Stryker and
Slobodan Randjelović - Alice Walton
- Mackenzie Scott, Yield Giving

Artist Gifts
- Mark Bradford Life Size (2020)
- Nick Cave and Bob Faust Facility (2019)
- Paula Crown Proceeds from Atelier sales
- Futura (aka Leonard Hilton McGurr) Proceeds from sale of rare Nike Dunks
- Titus Kaphar and Dwayne Betts Redaction (2016)
- Jeff Koons Gazing Ball (Goya The Forge) (2015-17)
- Julie Mehretu Dissident Score (2019-21)
- Stanley Whitney The Freedom We Fight For (2022)

- Artsy
- Aspect/Ratio Projects
- Ben & Jerry’s
- Christie’s
- EXPO Chicago
- Frieze Art Fair
- Marian Goodman Gallery
- Lisson Gallery
- l.a.Eyeworks
- Hauser & Wirth